Friday, December 23, 2005

How Law Professors Write Exams

I am admittedly a bit behind the curve here, but now that most law students have finished exams, perhaps they can joyfully relive a bit of exam week by reading about how law professors write their essay exams. In my experience, it takes a bit of time to write a fair exam.

So check out the conversation that took place recently on the law professor blog Prawfsblawg. It is worth reading in no small part because the professors involved inevitably got sidetracked and discussed what they think is wrong with the current law school exam system. Comments from any students still reeling from exams are welcome!

After I finish grading my exams I may post some thoughts on how to avoid common study-related and exam-taking mistakes next semester.

1 comment:

Gregory W. Bowman said...


Glad the link was helpful. I hope you do well on exams. And I'm glad Stanford is changing its exam schedule. Having finals after the holiday break is cruel and unusual punishment, in my opinion.

Now that I am done with grading exams, I plan to post soon about common exam mistakes. It might help some people in the spring semester.